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CAVE CREEK AZ Demographics

General Stats:

Total Population: 3728
Male:1865 (50%)
Female:1863 (49%)


25+ years old total:2699
25+ years old less than 9th grade: 46 (1%)
25+ years old 12th grade w/ no degree:120 (4%)
25+ years old with HS degree: 469 (17%)
25+ years old with some college:735 (27%)
25+ years old with associated degree: 224 (8%)
25+ years old with bachelor degree:655 (24%)

Married Status:

15+ years old total: 3080
15+ years old never married: 571 (18%)
15+ years old married but separated: 1926 (62%)
15+ years old seperated: 34 (1%)
15+ years old widowed: 133 (4%)
15+ years old divorced: 416 (13%)


16+ years old total:3017
16+ in labor force: 1959 (64%)
16+ not in labor force: 1058 (35%)
16+ workers: 1891 (62%)
16+ workers that commute alone: 1464 (48%)
16+ workers that carpools: 187 (6%)
16+ workers that use public trans: 7 (0%)
16+ workers that walk to work: 26 (0%)
16+ workers other means to work: 59 (1%)
16+ work at home: 148 (4%)
16+ mean travel time to work: 32.5 mins


18+ years old male: 1456
18+ years old female:1493
65+ years old male: 244
65+ years old female:253


Median household income: 59937
Median family income:76549
Per capital income:38070


Total family households: 1101
Total non-family households:470
Avg household size:2.37
Avg family size:2.8


Total housing units: 1753
Total occupied housing units:1571
Total vacant housing units: 182
Owner occupied housing units:1290
Renter occupied housing units: 281
Median rooms in housing units:5.6
Median home value of owner occupied units:270500


Total white: 3541
Total black/african american: 11
Total american indian natives: 7
Total asian: 16
Total native hawaii/pacific islanders: 2
Other races: 97
Total two plus race: 54
Total hispanic or latino: 263
Total white along not hispanic or latino: 3404

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